+44 (0) 1903 892 358 info@hughes-pumps.co.uk

Well test

Reduce emissions

Abrasive cutting is a term used when UHP water at 2500-3000bar is mixed with fine abrasive to form a powerful cutting jet able to cut through steel & concrete centimetres thick.
The water jet travels at 500-600m/sec, carrying the abrasive which cuts the material.

Hughes pumps have supplied equipment for use in oilfields operated by Karachaganak Petroleum Operating BV (KPO) in Kazakhstan as part of a solution to reduce flaring. KPO required data from production tests performed where information gathered was crucial to future development and field management. The solution was to send hydrocarbon fluids direct to the process facility without flaring, reducing impact on the environment.

Twin HPS5000 pumps were used to overcome well pressure at 137bar to transfer hydrocarbons with a high H2S content.


A key area of focus is the practice of flaring crude oil


  • Pumphead and wetted materials manufactured in specialist alloy stainless steel to cope with high H2S content
  • Pumps generally in accordance with API 674
  • HPS5000 is 5 cylinder so output is very smooth, improved further by using pulsation dampers
  • Zone 2 flame protected engines for use in oilfields
  • Unit packaged for extreme temperature use (-20°C to +50°C)
  • Same pumps can be used for pipeline flushing, decommissioning, cleaning & hydrostatic pressure testing

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Water Jetting brochure

Find out about our range of water jetting equipment - pumps, units and large range of accessories. 

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Find out about our range of process pumps, which cover a large range of applications.

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